Vše začalo v malém městečku zvaném Monttown. Svítilo slunce, ptáci venku skřehotali, děti si hrály na hřištích a užívaly si příjemný letní den. Venku byli úplně všichni až na Olivii, Samuela, Nicolase a Petera, kteří byli zavření v Samuelově útulném sklepě, kde hráli hry a povídali si. Stejně jako každý den.
Tahle parta si říkala "nerozluční", protože se spolu přátelí v podstatě už od narození, přestože ani nejsou sourozenci. Nicolas se považuje za vůdce téhle party, ale jen protože je nejstarší. Má 15 let, zatímco ostatní jen 14. Smysl to vlastně dává, je odvážný, silný i loajální. Ale chytrý to opravdu NE, teď nemám na mysli školu, nýbrž vše ostatní. Nicolas je pro každou "srandu", vrhá se do všeho po hlavě a ani na vteřinu nepřemýšlí, co by se mohlo stát. Tudíž je v téhle partě rebel.
Samuel je zase úplný opak. Je velmi inteligentní a nad vším pečlivě uvažuje, všechny situace bere s velkým optimizmem a to je na něm nejlepší. Olivie a Peter jsou prostě pohodáři, také velmi loajální a svým způsobem empatičtí. Prostě dokonalá dvojčata.
Jednou, když si tak povídali, narazili na velmi zajímavé téma. Bylo jím město, které sousedí s Monttownem, tedy místem, kde parta bydlí. Toto velmi podivuhodné město má název Nimston. Nejen že skrývá mnoho záhad a zajímavostí, ale především je to místo úplně bez života. Nikdo zde nebydlí už roky a ti, co jedou okolo, mají strach se tam jen podívat. Pouze tmavé ulice bez lidí, malé náměstí se starým kostelem a stará velká laboratoř, z které doslova naskakuje husí kůže.
Jak se domluvili, tak se stalo. Brzo ráno se sešli u malého obchodu na kraji města. "No dobrý ráno. Co všichni vypadáte, jak kdybyste týdny nespali?" řekl opět vysmátý Nicolas. "Se divíš, já s pomyšlením, že dnes jdeme do toho hrůzostrašného města, nemohl ani usnout," ospale odpověděl Samuel. "No nic, tak už abysme vyjeli!" zavelela Olivie. Kluci uposlechli, sedli na kola a všichni společně vyrazili do jim zatím neznámého města…
Po pár minutách už vjížděli do temné uličky, která vedla ke středu města. Po dobu, co jeli, míjeli kolem sebe několik obchodů s rozbitými okny či výlohami. Většina z nich byla prázdná, až na jeden, konkrétně obchod se suvenýry.
„To je zvláštní, všude prázdno, jenom tady ne," podotkla Olivie.
„Pojďme se podívat dovnitř, třeba najdeme něco, co nás dovede k důvodu, proč město vypadá, tak jak vypadá," zavelel Peter.
Souhlasili a pomalu vešli dovnitř. První, co viděli, nebylo ničím výjimečné, klasické pohledy s obrázky města, magnetky, hrníčky a plno dalších drobností.
Zatímco se ostatní snažili najít nějakou spojitost s tím, co se zde stalo, Peter šel dál a našel nějaké bílé dveře. Zkusil je otevřít, ale jak čekal, byly zamčené.
„Našel jsem nějaké dveře," informoval je.
„A já zase našel věc, čím je otevřeme," podotkl Samuel držící svazek dvou klíčů v ruce.
„Zajímalo by mě, k čemu je ten druhý klíč."
Peter se chvíli zamyslel a odemkl.
Za dveřmi vedly schody směrem dolů, nejspíš do nějakého sklepa. Nicolas vytáhl švýcarský nůž, který našel v krámku, zapnuli baterku na mobilu a opatrně šli po schodech dolů. Naštěstí zde nebylo nic nebezpečného, proto z nich malinko opadl stres. Jak se tak dívali, byla to asi nějaká místnost kde majitel tohoto obchodu přespával. Našli tu sbalené kufry, nějakou kartu a pas, který ležel na stole. Údajně patřil muži jménem "Michael Schwarz". Nejspíš mu patřil i tenhle obchod.
„Nepoznáváte ho někdo?" zeptala se Olivie, zatímco si prohlížela jeho obličej.
Vypadali úplně beznadějně, když najednou...
„Už vím, proč mi přišel tak povědomý. Kdysi jsem si četl starší noviny, jestli se tam něco o tomhle divném městě nepíše. Jediné, co jsem se dozvěděl, bylo, že tenhle a dalších dvanáct lidí bylo pohřešovaných. Zvláštní na tom je, že nejdřív jich bylo pouze dvanáct, jenže potom se ztratil i náš už známý Michael Schwarz. Myslím, že pak už všichni odjeli a tohle město už zůstalo prázdné," dovyprávěl Nicolas.
Tolik myšlenek a teorií, co tyto děti napadaly. Jedno ale věděli jistě, ať to bylo cokoliv, co dočinění s tím určitě měla zdejší laboratoř.
„Dobře, myslím, že všichni víme, kam se musíme jít podívat teď. Za pár hodin už bude večer a rozhodně musíme být odtud do tmy pryč. Proto plán zní následovně, nasedneme na kola, co nejrychleji se dostaneme k laboratoři a zjistíme, o co tady šlo." zavelel Samuel už vycházející schody zpět nahoru.
Ostatní ho následovali, sedli na kola, jeli kolem již známého kostela uprostřed města, až k jejich cíli.
Právě před nimi stála obrovská budova. Sesedli z kola a šli blíž ke dveřím. Všichni obdivovali to, co právě viděli, když náhle za zády uslyšeli něco jako vrčení psa. Pomalu se otočili a co spatřili, byl vlčák, který vypadal, jako kdyby měl vzteklinu nebo velmi velký hlad.
„Tak jo, na tři doběhneme ke dveřím, rychle otevřeme a ještě rychleji zavřeme," zašeptal urychleně Nicolas.
„Jedna…, dva…, tři…, utíkejte!"
Běželi, co nejrychleji to šlo, a pes hned za nimi. Otevřeli dveře a stihli zavřít dříve, než vběhl dovnitř také.
„Právě jsem skoro prodělal zástavu srdce," pověděl zadýchaný Samuel strachy bez sebe.
„Myslím, že to my všichni. Pojďme se tu porozhlédnout a co nejdřív vypadnout zpět domů!" s důrazem v hlase řekl Peter.
Právě teď stáli na začátku nějaké chodby. Po pěti metrech zde byly dvoje dveře, jedny doprava a druhé doleva. Prošli obě velké místnosti, ale nenašli tu nic neobvyklého. Pouze chemické přístroje a různé laboratorní pomůcky. Nejspíš se jednalo o biologickou laboratoř.
Neměli času nazbyt, proto šli chodbou dál, kde se znovu nacházely dvoje dveře a opět to samé uvnitř. Šli kousek dál, kde naproti vedly schody dolů a po levé straně schody nahoru.
Rozhodli se, že půjdou první dolů. Přece jenom, jestli zde mají něco najít, určitě to bude schované někde v podzemí. Sešli do nějaké místnosti, která dosti působila jako sklad. Několik skříní s pomůckami a ochrannými předměty, jako například ochranné rukavice, brýle, pláště a mnoho dalšího. Když si tak prohlíželi místnost, všimli si, že jedna skříň je zamčená. Zkoušeli zámek nějak urazit, ovšem to byla marná snaha. „Vzali jste někdo ty klíče, co jsme našli?" ptala se Olivie zkoušející zámek nějak otevřít.
„Jo, zkusím použít ten druhý klíč," řekl Peter vytahující je z kapsy.
Zámek se záhadou odemknul. Podívali se na sebe a pomalu otevřeli dveře. Našli zde pouze nějaké bílé obleky, které nejspíš slouží k nějakým nebezpečným vědeckým pokusům, ale co by to bylo za děti, aby si je nechtěli vyzkoušet. Když je vytáhli, něco je velmi překvapilo. Za nimi byl totiž vchod do další ukryté části laboratoře. Vešli dovnitř a co uviděli, byly velké dveře, které se otvírají pomocí karty. Konkrétně tou, kterou našli u Michaela Schwarze na stole. Prvně váhali, jestli to není moc nebezpečné, nakonec je však stejně přemohlo jejich nutkání zjistit, co se za dveřmi nachází. Oskenovali kartu a dveře se otevřely. Procházeli rovně tmavou chodbou a zabočili doprava do místnosti, kde doufali, že už se bude nacházet vysvětlení této "záhady".
Byly zde zajímavé přístroje, které ale vypadaly poněkud nebezpečně. Dokonce zde bylo i něco jako nemocniční lehátko, kde se ale daly upevnit nohy a ruce. Všechny zajímalo, k čemu tyhle věci mohly sloužit, ale zároveň nevěděli, jestli by bylo dobré, aby to věděli. Procházeli se po místnosti a zkoumali vše, co zde bylo, když nakonec došli k nějakým rozházeným papírům na stole. Skoro ničemu, co se zde psalo, nerozuměli. Vypadalo to, jako kdyby někdo nechtěl, aby se vědělo, co se tu píše. Když zkoušeli něčemu porozumět, bylo to neúspěšné. Až na jeden zvýrazněný název - "projekt G".
„Co to sakra může znamenat?" zeptal se nechápající Samuel.
Zatímco se všichni snažili porozumět textu, Nicolas se podíval do skříňky, která byla vedle stolu. Našel tam složky a v nich byly informace o třinácti lidech. Jedna složka byla i o Michaelovi. Zdá se, že článek, kde se psalo o pohřešovaných občanech z tohoto města, byl o lidech právě v těchto složkách. Když si pročítal složky, našel jednu odlišnou od ostatních.
Právě v této se psalo o tak zvaném "projektu G"
„Poslouchejte, "projekt G", je projekt, který se zabývá testováním na lidech. Jednalo se o zkoušení různých látek a protilátek, které mohly způsobit kompletní selhání organismu," vysvětlil jim Nicolas fotící si důkazy.
„Jestli to chápu správně, znamená to, že lidé z těchto složek byli vlastně něco jako pokusné krysy?" zeptal se Peter.
„Podívejte, ještě je tu nějaká kazeta s nápisem Michael Schwarz," podotkla Olivie.
„Vím, kde si ji můžeme poslechnout, v tom krámku se suvenýry byl i přehrávač," zvolal Sam a zkoumavě si ji prohlížel.
„Musíme jít, za chvíli už bude tma. Poslechneme si, co je na té kazetě, a rychle pojedeme zpátky domů," pronesl Peter, který s sebou sbalil složky do batohu a pomalu odcházel z místnosti.
Ostatní ho následovali, než vyšli z laboratoře ke svým kolům. Nasedli na ně a jeli zpět do krámku. Jakmile dojeli, rychle vyběhli dovnitř a našli přehrávač. Chvíli trvalo, než ho spustili, ale povedlo se. V kazetě byla nahrána nějaká konverzace s Michaelem a dalším mužem při hádce. Mluvili o tom projektu, ale Schwarz s ním absolutně nesouhlasil. Dokonce mu vyhrožoval. Řekl, že pokud ten projekt nezastaví, rozšíří to mezi lidi nejen ve městě, ale i mnohem dál. Neznámý muž řekl, že mu nevěří a že plán už dávno začal. Michael se naštval a řekl, že už je pozdě, protože celou jejich konverzaci volal se svým kamarádem, který je poslouchal. Poté už jen slyšeli ránu a to byl konec nahrávky.
„Takže pojďme si to ujasnit. Ve zdejší laboratoři měli plán testovat na lidech různé látky a Michael se to dozvěděl, nesouhlasil s ním, tak ho asi unesli stejně jako ty ostatní. A přestože bylo dvanáct, teda vlastně třináct lidí unesených, znamená to, že projekt nezrušili, informace se dostala mezi lidi a ti pak odjeli z města. Jenže kam se poděli ti, co za tím vším stáli?" shrnula vše Olivie, zatímco se snažila vstřebat všechny informace.
„To už se asi nikdy nedozvíme, ale myslím, že teď už bysme opravdu měli jet domů," zvolal Nicolas vypínající přehrávač.
Došli si pro kola, vrátili se do Samuelova herního sklepa a tady příběh o tajemném městě Nimston končí.
Sweden, Stockholm
Right now, I'm sitting by the window with a hot lemon balm tea watching the trees turn several different colors. Fall, one of my favorite parts of the year. This time is really magical and somehow quite special for me. Halloween, carving pumpkins, decorations, falling leaves, autumn walks and many other things.
I was just looking at some kids outside, when memories flashed in front of my eyes.
When I was younger, I used to be exactly just like these kids.
My best friend and I always played outside, jumping into piles of leaves and enjoying every single moment. It used to be our favorite thing to do, because back then, we were happy about the little things. Now he's somewhere I don't even know.
Another memory randomly came to my mind.
It was last October when my parents and I went to beautiful Paris. I remember the time when we were standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and the lights started flashing on it.
Sometimes I just wish I could make a movie about these special memories.
Suddenly now, I heard footsteps behind my room door. I was quite mad, because I was interrupted from my very favorite dreamy moments.
It was my mom coming to remind me that I had to go to school.
Agh, how I hate to hear this phrase every time, but at least for today it might be interesting. We are expecting a new student.
When I came to class, I went to sit in my seat as usual.
As always there was noise.
The bell rang and our teacher came into class.
,,Hello kids, as you already know, a new student is going to join us today. I hope you will welcome him and help him if needed,'' Mrs. Andersson informed us. When she ended her speech, the door opened.The principal walked in and our mysterious new classmate right behind him.
I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Lucas, that best friend I used to play with all the time when I was younger. He looked almost the same as he had.
His messy brown hair, symmetrical face and really unique style were incredible.
He was also pretty tall and slim. Back to his face that is adorned with his pure green eyes.
I always admired them.
He was looking at everyone in class, but when he looked at me, he was a little shocked.
Suddenly Mrs. Andersson told him to introduce himself. He stopped staring at me and took a deep breath.
,,Hello, my name is Lucas Holm, I am seventeen years old and I've come from Germany,'' he said.
Not many words, quietly spoken, but I could hear the nervousness in his voice because of all the eyes that were looking at him. He had never really liked being the center of attention.
,,Alright, thank you Lucas, you can take your seat,'' she pointed to the free chair close to me.
While the teacher was saying something, I wasn't paying attention at all.
All I was doing was wondering, why had he left me and what the heck he had been doing in Germany. I really need the answers.
When the class was over, I went to talk to him.
,,Hey!'' I said while he was packing his things.
He quickly turned around not saying anything for a while, but then he hugged me.
I was quite surprised.
,,Hello Sarah, I can't believe it's you,'' he said with wonder in his voice. Actually, he looked like he was about to cry for some reason.
,,Why did you leave me Lucas?'' I asked straightforwardly.
,,Well, my dad had some work things to do, so we had to move to Germany. I had never wanted to leave you.'' His honest face suddenly turned into a really sad one.
,,Why didn't you say at least a stupid goodbye? Or why didn't you reply to the millions of the messages i sent you?'' I said while the persisting sadness suddenly became overwhelmed by my anger.
,,I found out we were leaving the night before we left and I didn't answer you because I got a new phone and was busy with school and so on. I'm so sorry,'' he said.
I didn't really believe him but I was just happy he's back.
,,Anyway, do you have time after school? I'd love to go out like the old times,'' he asked back with a bright smile on his face.
,,I'd love to. Give me your new number and I'll send you my address. I have a great place we could go,'' I said while giving him my phone.
,,I'll be there at 4pm, see you later, Sarah.''
When I came home, I sent him the address as I promised.
Then I went to lie in bed as usual, because I was always tired. I set my alarm so I wouldn't oversleep meeting with Lucas.
I woke up at half past four and I had to go get dressed. I put on loose black pants and a light brown sweater with white stars on it. Then I went to brush my hair and just waited for him.
The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to put on my shoes, lock the door and go out.
,,Hey, sorry I'm late, I got lost like three times,'' he mentioned while breathing heavily, probably from running.
,,Hey, I see getting lost in the district where I live has stayed with you ever since, '' I said sarcastically.
,,Very funny, I see your sense of humor hasn't changed either.'' He made the funny offended face, but then he laughed.
,,Alright, let's go,'' I started walking slowly.
,,Where are we going?'' He asked.
,,You'll see,'' I didn't want to tell him right away.
I brought him to my favourite spot.
We went down the path in the park behind my house that led to the lake. I called it my safe place, because I could always go there to clear my head of problems and people. There was also a bench my grandpa built for me couple years before.
,,I don't think I'll ever find words to describe how beautiful this place is,'' he said admiringly.
,,I agree,'' I smiled.
We sat down on the bench and he closed his eyes. There was silence, but not the awkward one, it was the one when you could feel comfortable even though there is another person next to you.
,,Are you scared of death Sarah?'' He broke the quiet moment with a really unexpected question.
,,No. I actually believe it's an escape from this hell we live in,'' I answered.
There was silence again for a while, but then he looked at the sky and said:
,,I was scared, but now I think that the fear of death is just the fear of time.
I think that
we are afraid of dying
before we have had the chance to live.''
,,Maybe, '' I replied.
I thought deeply about his mention, because in the end, it all made sense.
All of a sudden, he pulled something out of the bag he had with him.
,,Before we left, I wanted to give you something but I never got the chance so, here it is.'' He handed it to me.
It was an album with our photos. I opened it and smiled.
The first picture was when we were babies. I had to admit that I had never seen more adorable ones.
Another photo was from Christmas dinner that our families spent together. We were eating our food and we made a complete mess everywhere.
We both laughed at this picture, because it was really hilarious.
In every photo, we were older and older.
The last one was from Halloween, the day before he left. I remember the sentence he said.
,,I love Halloween itself, but I think some people feel like it's a year around.
They're all dressing up as someone they're not.''
I have always loved his way of thinking. He has never missed a point.
When I closed the album, I noticed it was almost night. We had spent three hours talking and looking at us when we were kids. Time flies fast when you're truly happy at the moment.
,,It's getting dark, we should go,'' I said and he nodded.
We got up, took our things and walked all the way back to where I lived.
,,Thank you for today Sarah. I am really happy I'm back again,'' he smiled.
,,I am really happy too,'' I smiled back and hugged him.
I shed a tear on his jacket, but it wasn't a sad one. It was a tear of again found happiness.
,,See you tomorrow at school, good night,'' he said and got out of the hug.
,,Text me when you get home, just so I know you're safe. Good night,'' I replied and we both walked away.
When I came into the house, I saw my mom sitting at the table doing some work on her laptop. I went to talk to her because I had a feeling she had known about Lucas all the time when he was gone. Our mothers were basically the best friends, just like us. I remember that when they left, she was a little weird for a while. I have never got an explanation though.
I was talking about him all the time, but after a year or maybe two, I just stopped. My mother started being a bit worried about me. Well, she had all the rights to be so. These past years were really complicated for me. I am sure that losing the best friend I loved more than myself was the beginning of this crashing mountain of problems.
,,Hello mom,'' I said kindly.
,,Oh, hey honey, where have you been?'' She asked with a smile on her face.
,,I was hanging out with Lucas,'' I gave her the answer she definitely did not expect, judging by the look on her face she gave after hearing that.
,,Do you mean the Lucas?'' She asked another question to make sure we were talking about the same one.
,,Yes mom, I mean Lucas Holm,'' I said while taking a deep breath.
,,Did he come back? What did he say? Is he alright?'' She just kept asking about so many things.
I get it, she was interested like I was, but the last thing she said really caught me off guard.
,,Why wouldn't he be okay?'' I avoided every question except the last one.
It was almost like she suddenly looked nervous, but why?
,,He left without saying a word to you, so I was just simply wondering if something had happened to him,'' she said honestly.
,,No, it seems like everything's fine now,'' I informed her.
,,Well, that's great honey, you should get some sleep now, we can talk longer tomorrow,'' she smiled again.
I was about to go upstairs to my room, but some part of me just didn't let me, so I turned back.
,,Mom, I have this feeling like you knew why they had left. You and his mother were like the best friends, I just don't believe that she didn't say anything to you.'' I said with concern.
She sighed and closed her laptop.
There was silence for a while but then she looked at me as honestly as she could.
,,Yes, Sarah, I knew why they had left, but I have never said anything because I was asked not to.'' She now said it with sadness on her face.
,,By who?'' I asked completely confused.
,,By someone who wants the best for you. We all do. Now go to sleep and stop wasting your time and energy on answers that really don't matter anymore,'' she said simply and then she gently clasped my head and looked me in the eyes
,,He's back and that is all that matters,okay?'' She kissed me on the forehead and smiled.
,,Alright mom, good night.'' I finally got upstairs to my room.
I saw a message from Lucas that he got home safely. I replied him and went to do my night routine before going to sleep. I brushed my teeth, showered, cleaned my face and so on.
Then I went to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep even though I was really tired. All I did was thinking about that day and all the things that had happened. But my mom is right, I shouldn't be filling my head with all that stuff. I'm happy he's back, and that's what matters.
I woke up and as Lucas said, we met in school and hung out again. We started being together almost everyday like we used to. I finally met his mom and dad after so long. We talked a lot about what had happened, even though sometimes it felt like they were still hiding something. I just tried to avoid it.
Day after day and it was Christmas again. Our families spent it together. We gave each other presents, had a delicious Christmas dinner but most importantly, we were all together again.
Then it went month after month, year by year, until it was already three years since they moved back. A lot of interesting things happened and I knew there was a lot more to come. Now again it was 11. October. Lucas's 18th birthday. We always celebrated our birthdays the same way these last three years. It was actually a tradition of ours. We always took a canvas, paints, a blanket, food and went to the lake to paint each other a picture.
This year we did the same. We just love art.
I sat on the blanket while Lucas went closer to the lake to admire the beauty of that place.
Suddenly his phone lit up.
He had many missed calls from his parents.
I called Lucas and told him about it. He had a call with his mom and for some reason she sounded almost like she was crying. She told him to come home as fast as possible and because of that we gave each other confused looks.
He ended the call, we took all our things and went to his house. When we got there, his mom was really crying. She was sitting at the table with his dad. I thought we both had no idea what was going on, but now I felt like Lucas knew.
,,What is going on?'' I asked worriedly.
It looked like he wanted to cry but somehow he controlled it by taking a deep breath.
,,Cancer's back, isn't it, Mom?'' He said. It didn't even sound like a question. He just knew he was right.
My eyes welled up with tears. We went to sit at the table with his parents and he told me everything. Another reason they went to Germany was his cancer. He found out two weeks before they left, but he wanted to enjoy one more Halloween here with me. The little pieces of the puzzle I had been lost in all this time suddenly made sense.
I knew that his excuses for not responding to any of my texts were just stupid lies. I also remember the question he asked me about being afraid of death. Now I get why he said all that. He wasn't talking about other people. He was talking about himself. Afraid he didn't get a chance to live. He was just a kid after all.
And the album he wanted to give me earlier also had a purpose. It was supposed to be a memory of him and all the times we spent together.
So, this is it. The truth.
After that very long sad conversation my mom came to pick me up. I didn't say a word to her the entire ride. I knew she had known the whole time, but her excuse was that she had wanted to keep her word. I didn't care.
I spent the following weeks trying to help Lucas as much as I could. He was having chemotherapy, and it was making him very weak.
He hated it.
Even though the doctor said it wasn't getting any better, everyone was still positive and it annoyed him. Lucas never gave up, but he was also a realist.
Then one day, I woke up. I was going to see Lucas like I always do.
When I came downstairs, I saw my mother sitting at the table with her head in her hands. As soon as she noticed me, a tear rolled down her cheek. She came closer to me and hugged me.
,,Lucas died this morning," she said.
I didn't want to believe it. I was just standing there in shock, but then I realized what she had just said.
My world just suddenly stopped and I started crying, but this time, it wasn't a tear of found happiness, it was a tear of lost one.